


A cada 100 mulheres que usam o diafragma con creme ou gel espemicida Uso Típico: 12 mulheres engravidam Uso Perfeito: 6 mulheres engravidam O que é um diafragma (contraceptivo) e […]

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cervical cap

Capuz Cervical


O Capuz cervical é macio e em forma de abóboda, feito de silicone com uma borda firme e arredondada. A borda se encaixa firmemente na base da cérvice. O capuz […]

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I spend a lot of time texting with my friends. Is it possible to be addicted to texting?


Texting is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family, but since it is a less intimate form of communication, there can be drawbacks. You may feel […]

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dining hall

How do I increase my metabolism? Are there any specific foods or drinks or something like that?

While there are plenty of products out there that are marketed as “metabolism boosters” there is no safe, magic, quick way to increase your metabolism. However, there are certain healthy habits that […]

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I am still on my period and it has been two weeks. Is that normal?


No. Normal menstrual periods last 3 to 7 days. Longer than normal periods can occur because of stress, a hormone imbalance, pregnancy, infection, a thyroid condition, and other causes. You should […]

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I keep getting urinary tract infections after I have sex with my boyfriend. I’ve tried drinking a lot of liquids but that doesn’t help. Is there anything I can do to stop the pain?

Urinary tract infections (UTI’s) are more common in girls who are sexually active. That’s because the urethra (the tube where the urine comes out of) is very close to the […]

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I accidently took the third week Sunday (birth control) pill instead of the second week Sunday (birth control pill). What should I do?

If all of the pills in the first three weeks of your pill pack are the same color, you don’t have to worry because they all contain the same amount […]

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hormonal implant

Can antibiotics stop the 3 year implant from functioning?

Most antibiotics are completely safe to take if you have a hormonal implant, and do not interfere with preventing pregnancy. The only exception is an antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis […]

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Identity Theft


Many people know that identity theft is a national problem. However, did you know that identity theft is more common among kids, teenagers, and college students than any other age […]

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I’m 15 years old and I don’t see any development in my breasts. Should I go to the doctor?

The timing of physical changes during puberty in both boys and girls can vary quite a bit and still be normal. However, almost all girls will notice that their breasts […]

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