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Is it true that period cycles have a “Bluetooth like effect” where people who live together or spend a lot of time together will have their periods at the same time? I have heard of this phenomenon a few times. Which made me realize, that this has happened to me a few times with friends! Now I am wondering, does this really happen or is it just a mere coincidence?
Posted June 17, 2021 under Ask Us.Great question! “Bluetooth periods” is a term for the phenomenon that when young women live and/or spend a lot of time together and their periods start coming at the same […]
Read more »I am underweight, but feel like my thighs are too big and I want to lose fat there. I can’t stop thinking about it and feel very guilty and disgusted with myself after eating a dessert or on a day that I don’t exercise. Any advice?
Posted June 15, 2021 under Ask Us.We recommend letting either a parent, health care provider, teacher, or another trusted adult know that you are experiencing these thoughts. They can be helpful in giving you some extra […]
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In high school, I was diagnosed with a thyroid problem and had to have it removed. How common is it for young women to have problems with their thyroid and/or have a partial or total thyroid removal?
Posted June 11, 2021 under Ask Us.The thyroid (gland) makes hormones that help control growth, development, and other bodily functions, and is found in the neck. There are two different ways someone may experience problems with […]
Read more »I am asexual and I never want to be sexually active with another person. Do I still need to have a pelvic exam? If so, what age is recommended for your first visit?
Posted June 8, 2021 under Ask Us.The sexual orientation asexual (“ace”) can be different things to different people. However, in most situations, an ace is someone who doesn’t have any sexual interest or attraction to others. […]
Read more »How safe is it to get a COVID-19 vaccine, if you take hormonal medications?
Posted June 4, 2021 under Ask Us.Great question! Hormonal medications are often made up of the synthetic (man-made) female hormones: estrogen and progestin. While some medications are made of both estrogen and progestin, others are progestin-only […]
Read more »I know you are supposed to regularly see a GYN for checkups starting at 21, but I have a history of sexual abuse and I am scared it will be triggering. I am really scared to go and have never been. What can I expect and how can I make it less scary?
Posted June 1, 2021 under Ask Us.This is a great question, and you are not alone. Sexual abuse and previous trauma can be triggering, but your gynecologist can do many things to help prevent this from […]
Read more »Does birth control stunt your growth? Rumor has it you’re only supposed to go grow 2 inches after your start your period, but I’ve grown 8 inches since it started. I got my period 2 years ago and now I am thinking about birth control. I am just worried I will stop growing if I take it.
Posted May 28, 2021 under Ask Us.Great question! It’s very unlikely that since you have already started your period that your growth won’t be effected by the birth control pill. In most teens, by the time […]
Read more »Is it common for a teenager to talk about their first sexual experience with their parents/guardians? Assumedly in a good relationship with parents/guardians? Thank you!
Posted May 26, 2021 under Ask Us.Thanks for your question. Lots of people wonder whether they should talk to their parent/guardian about sex. If you have a good relationship with your parent/guardian, and feel safe talking […]
Read more »My 11 year old sister is looking at sex sites and following explicit accounts. I also found out that she’s interested in weed and alcohol, is that an act of childhood trauma or something?
Posted May 25, 2021 under Ask Us.Thank you so much for reaching out about your sister. It’s hard to know why she might be looking at inappropriate websites or illegal substances, but what’s most important is […]
Read more »Is it normal to not want children when I grow up? I think I would be more happy adopting a pet than having kids.
Posted May 21, 2021 under Ask Us.Absolutely! People have all sorts of preferences and feelings about how they would like their life to be. Some people would like to have children, while others do not. It’s […]
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