I think I have underdeveloped nipples? Is this normal?
It takes about 3-5 years for breasts (including nipples) to finish developing so depending on how old you were when they began to grow, it’s possible that your breasts (and […]
Read moreI have acne. In the last 3-4 months it has gotten worse and now I have been told that I have “cystic” acne. The pimples are mostly on my forehead and nothing is helping to make them go away. My periods are very irregular. Could my symptoms be related?
Cystic acne (breakouts that are large, red, deep in the skin, and sometimes painful) can occur when pores in the skin become clogged which leads to inflammation and sometimes infection. […]
Read moreDehydration
/Did you know that about two-thirds of your body is made up of water? That’s a lot! Even though it’s normal to lose some water every day, there may be […]
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I started birth control the day that I filled my prescription, but that was halfway through my cycle. Should I still expect my regular period?
Since you started taking the Pill half-way through your menstrual cycle (rather than at the beginning of your cycle), your period will likely be later than usual- sometime after you […]
Read moreIs it true that when women live together their periods sync?
This theory was based on the belief that women who live together will start their period within 2-4 days of each other within 4-6 months. This statement was thought to […]
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I have pain in the inside of my vagina when I pee. What should I do and what are the docs going to do to me?
Pain in the inside of your vagina (when you pee or pass urine) can have many possible causes. Urine is typically acidic so if there is any irritation near the […]
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I can’t sleep properly and haven’t been able to for a couple of years. I know something is wrong but what is it?
Sleep problems can be caused by an irregular schedule, stress, having lots of things on your mind, changes in your sleep environment (your bedroom is too hot, too cold, or […]
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Is it normal for my period to last more than a week and have a very light flow?
You may be one of those young women whose periods may be affected by changes in body weight or diet, exercise, illness, or stress. Remember that if you are having […]
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I’ve had Chlamydia once and got treated. Can I get it again or am I immune?
/Even though you have been treated and cured for Chlamydia once, you absolutely CAN get re-infected. Both you and your sexual partner(s) must get treated at the same time so […]
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I put a tampon in for about 20 minutes and I wasn’t on my period. Am I going to get TSS (toxic shock syndrome)?
It would be extremely rare if you got TSS from leaving a tampon in for just 20 minutes. Here’s why: Tampons themselves don’t cause TSS. TSS is actually caused by […]
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