Teste para HIV

Atualmente é recomendado que qualquer pessoa acima de 13 anos tenha um teste de HIV anual como parte de exames de rotina. É principalmente importante se você for sexualmente ativo […]

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female gender symbol

Hepatite B

O vírus da Hepatite B (VHB) infecta o fígado. Existe uma vacina muito eficaz que impede a infecção pelo VHB. A vacina é geralmente aplicada nos bebês, mas alguns adolescentes, […]

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Wheat Allergy


A wheat allergy is most common in children and is often outgrown by adulthood, but can be outgrown as early as the age of three. Approximately 65% of children with […]

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Soy Allergy


A soy allergy is an allergy to soybeans and other soy containing products and is a common food allergy affecting 0.4% of children. Soy allergies are often detected during early […]

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Egg Allergy


Egg allergies are one of the most common food allergies in children. An allergy to eggs may develop as young as infancy.  Research studies have found that about 70% of […]

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Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis


Having a food allergy means that your body is very sensitive to one or more of the proteins found in certain kinds of food. This is different than having an […]

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I have dark hair and I have noticed that I have a good amount of hair around my anus. Is it normal for women to shave or wax the hair around this area?

It is normal for both girls and guys to have hair around their anus. Some people have very little hair in this area while others have more. There are no […]

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Social Anxiety Disorder


What is Social Anxiety Disorder? Social Anxiety Disorder, also known as Social Phobia, is a mental health condition. It usually begins in the early teen years. People with Social Anxiety […]

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I’m lesbian and I came out to my friends on New Year’s Eve but I don’t know if I need to tell my doctor because I am only 13.

It takes a lot of courage to “come out” whether it is with your friends, family or others. Even though you are young, it is important to talk with your […]

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