Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)
/Have you heard of someone having conjunctivitis? Have you heard of someone having pink eye? Did you know that they’re the same thing? Conjunctivitis (also known as pink eye) is […]
Read moreI just used an acne over the counter cleanser with 5% benzoyl peroxide. After using it for the first time my skin felt a little irritated…
It’s not uncommon to have mild skin irritation after using a new skin product for the first time. If your skin continues to be irritated or it gets worse, tell […]
Read moreI lost a lot of weight and it keeps going down and I don’t know what to do to maintain rather than gain?
In general when trying to change your weight the key is to adjust the calories, either through what you eat (calorie intake) or how much exercise you do (calorie burn). […]
Read moreWeight, Health, and Weight Stigma
/If your health care provider (HCP) told you that your weight or BMI falls in the “overweight” or “obese” range you may be experiencing a variety of emotions. It is […]
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Can I put a birth control patch on and have sex at the same time?
To prevent pregnancy, you must use another form of birth control such as a male or female condom, diaphragm or sponge the first week that you use the “patch” unless […]
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I get headaches every day, should I be worried?
Most people get headaches once in a while but it’s not normal to have a headache every day. Make an appointment with your primary care provider to get checked. In […]
Read moreWhat is the correct way to take a shower?
Dermatologists (doctors who specialize in skin care) answer the most common questions about showering: How often? There is no rule on how often you should shower- this depends on how […]
Read moreCystic Fibrosis: Puberty and Menstrual Periods
Puberty Puberty is the name for the time when your body begins to change and you go from being a child to an adult. Your hormone levels will change and […]
Read moreIs it normal to wear a panty liner every day?
Wearing panty liners or not is a personal preference. Young women who are fans of panty liners say they wear them for different reasons such as “to feel fresh and […]
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