In two weeks, I am having a hymenectomy because I have a microperforate hymen. I am really nervous about the procedure. Is there anything I should know about preparing for the procedure and what to expect postoperatively? Is there anything I can do that will help calm my nerves?
Thank you for your question. We hope that this information helps you feel more at ease regarding your upcoming surgery. Here is what we know: girls are born with a […]
Read moreI’ve had this issue my whole life. I rarely feel thirst unless it’s extreme. I can’t drink more than a mouthful of any fluid or I feel nauseous. It’s an issue, as I can get dehydrated, but my body doesn’t tell me till it’s severe.
Thanks for asking this question! Fluids are essential for your body to function. Many of our organs, including our brain, skin, and kidneys, require water. Therefore, it is important for […]
Read moreHow safe is it to eat raw or undercooked animal products?
On restaurant menus, there is usually a disclaimer at the bottom that states “consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness.” […]
Read moreI think I have trichotillomania. When I was 12 years old, I started pulling my hair out of my head to the point where I developed a bald spot. My parents are both doctors, but I don’t think they know what trichotillomania is because they’ve noticed, but haven’t really done anything to help me. I am really insecure about it…help!
Glad you wrote us about this problem because it happens to lots of other youth who may have similar questions. Trichotillomania (trik-o-till-o-MAY-nee-uh) (TTM), also called the “hair pulling disorder,” is […]
Read moreI am really self-conscious about my labia. It doesn’t look like everyone else’s. My labia is big and stretched out. I am curious about labiaplasty (plastic surgery). Is it possible for me to get it now or should I wait until I am older?
Thank you for your question. It is common for girls to feel self-conscious about their labias and we hope our response will help you feel a bit better. Labia is […]
Read moreHow would I know if I have a bicornuate uterus, but I’m still a virgin?
/Thank you for your question. Most girls are born with a very important organ called a uterus. The size, shape, and structure of a uterus is important because it’s where […]
Read moreHow safe is it to use ride-share services?
We are glad you want to know more about ride-share services! Ride-share services are companies (like Uber and LYFT) that allow you to order a ride using an app on […]
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I am in anorexia recovery right now. I am scared that I am going to lose control and gain too much weight because of my metabolism and not eating anything. Will my metabolism speed up and burn enough calories as I recover?
Thank you for asking this question. When anyone restricts food intake for an extended period of time, the body’s metabolism responds by slowing down because the body needs to conserve […]
Read moreHow safe is it to jog in the dark?
It is great that you are interested in jogging and want to learn about how to run safely. Jogging has many positive benefits on physical and mental health. Running outside […]
Read moreI’m not a vegetarian. I eat chicken rarely, and I sometimes drink milk, but I don’t have any other source of protein. How do I get protein in my diet?
Great question! Protein is really important to eat because it helps build bones and muscles. It acts as a building block for enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals that are […]
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