Pruebas de Pap Anormales
Es posible que tu proveedor de servicios de salud te haya dicho que los resultados de tu prueba de Pap fueron anormales. Quizás estés preocupada y te preguntes qué significa […]
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How do I know if I accidentally put a tampon in and forgot to take the old one out?
If you can’t remember if you removed a tampon, take the time to check before you insert another one. First, wash your hands with soap and water. Check your fingernails […]
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What is that sticky stuff coming out of my vagina?
It’s great that you are aware of the type of vaginal discharge you have! This way you can be alert for any changes. As far as the sticky stuff coming […]
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Vaginosis Bacteriana
Las mujeres de cualquier edad pueden tener Vaginosis Bacteriana o “VB”, rara vez en adolescentes y mujeres que nunca han sido sexualmente activas. Sin embargo, es mucho más común entre […]
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I’m scared about coming out. What can I do?
I am attracted to girls, and I think I’m a lesbian, but I’m scared about coming out in case people judge me. Having questions about your sexuality is perfectly normal. […]
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Is watching porn OK?
/The answer to this question is complicated, so we’ve done our research and asked our experts for their opinion. Here’s the answer: “Porn”, short for pornography usually refers to media […]
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Is it okay to workout if I’m underweight?
/There are many benefits to exercise. Being physically active strengthens your bones, keeps your muscles toned, improves mood, and lowers your risk of heart disease. Exercising is generally healthy unless […]
Read moreSOP: La Espirolactona
La espironolactona es un diurético o “píldora de agua” que se prescribe para las personas que sufren de presión arterial alta y para aquellas que tienen hinchazón debido al exceso […]
Read moreI have PCOS. Does that mean I can’t get pregnant after marriage?
Girls with PCOS typically have irregular periods which means they may not ovulate (make eggs) on a regular basis. Most girls/women with PCOS ovulate some of the time though and […]
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Can you get pregnant right after a menstrual cycle?
YES! It’s possible to become pregnant anytime that you have unprotected intercourse. Although a woman is most fertile during the middle part of her cycle, your body can make an […]
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