Female Sterilization (Tubal Ligation)
/Female sterilization, also called “tubal sterilization” is a huge decision because it’s a permanent type of contraceptive. This means that it protects against pregnancy forever. Individuals who choose this option usually do […]
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What are the symptoms of a period?
The symptoms of a period are different for everyone. Some women have cramps in the lower part of their belly, while others never feel any discomfort at all. Many women […]
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Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)
/The suckling (breast-feeding by a baby) changes how a person’s body works and stops a person’s ovaries from releasing an egg. When there is no egg, pregnancy can’t happen. Out of 100 […]
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How do you figure out how many calories you burn off with certain activities?
Perhaps you’ve heard that you need to burn off more calories than you consume in a day in order to lose weight – but how do you know what activity […]
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How do I tell my mom that I got my period?
/You may be nervous or excited about having your first period. Hopefully you’ve talked to your mom, aunt, older sister or another relative before it started so you know what […]
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What can I do to limit my sexual urges?
If you think you’re involved in risky sexual behavior because you have strong sexual urges, it might be helpful if you avoided things that trigger your sexual “urges” such as […]
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Is there any menstruation during pregnancy?
When a woman becomes pregnant, she no longer has a period until after she gives birth. Spotting or light bleeding during early pregnancy can be due to implantation (when the […]
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Molusco Contagioso
El molusco contagioso es una infección cutánea común causada por un virus. Es molesta, pero no es peligrosa. Cualquiera puede contraerla, pero es más común entre los niños de 1 […]
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