I recently trimmed my pubic hair and it’s now prickly and itchy…what should I do? It’s very uncomfortable.
/Thank you for your question – we’re so sorry to hear that you’re feeling uncomfortable. Let’s talk about pubic hair care and how you can make yourself more comfortable! Because […]
Read moreWhat should you do if you go to a clinic for birth control and the doctor judges you and lectures you on premarital sex? Should you tell them to keep their opinions to themselves or tell them that you don’t see anything wrong with premarital sex?
/We’re so glad that you asked us this question, and so sorry that your provider behaved in an inappropriate and judgmental way during your clinic visit. The responsibility of your […]
Read moreDoes the pull-out method actually prevent pregnancy? My boyfriend really wants to try having sex without a condom…
/This is a really important question, and we want to answer it in two parts. First, let’s talk about withdrawal, or the “pull-out” method. Withdrawal is a risky method of […]
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I am on the birth control patch (Twirla®) but I got sick and my doctor prescribed me with antibiotics (specifically Cefdinir) to help treat it. Don’t antibiotics cancel out my birth control? If I’m sexually active, am I at risk of pregnancy?
/Thank you for your question! The concern that antibiotics cause birth control to be less effective is a common, false myth. Most common antibiotics do not affect hormonal birth control […]
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Are anal and vaginal douching products like Summer’s Eve® safe to use?
Great question! Let’s talk about the difference between vaginal and anal douching and their safety. One of the many amazing things about your vagina is that it’s self-cleaning. If you’ve […]
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Epilepsy: Talking to Others about Epilepsy
/Sometimes talking about epilepsy can be difficult – it’s normal to feel nervous. You may be concerned that others will treat you differently or there may be fear and misunderstanding […]
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Is it bad that I don’t have any sexual desire?
/We are so glad that you asked us this question! There are lots of reasons behind lower levels of libido (sexual desire), some physiological and others related to more core […]
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Epilepsy: Seizure Safety
/Teens and adolescents living with epilepsy can lead fulfilling lives and participate in daily activities. They can go to work or school, independently take care of themselves, and play sports. […]
Read moreAre there any health risks associated to chronic eating of sand? Is chronic eating of sand an indication of any particular disease(s) or health condition(s)?
/Thank you for your question! One potential reason behind the chronic eating of sand is pica, an eating disorder in which people compulsively eat substances that are not food and […]
Read moreHow would I find my “clit” aka my clitoris? I have tried using a mirror to see where it is, but I can’t find it. I read online that people can have a condition called clitoris atrophy, where the clit shrinks causing them to lose feeling and sensation. Do you think this happening to me, since I can’t find it?
This is a great question! People who were born with female reproductive organs have a clitoris. The clitoris is a small sensory organ that is made up of nerves and […]
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