Tag: period
What causes your period to be late if you are a virgin?
Updated 9 July 2019 under Ask Us.Thanks for your question. Your period can be irregular for a lot of different reasons (besides pregnancy) such as stress, exercising, gaining or losing weight, being sick, taking certain medications, or […]
Read more »I am 13 and had my first period when I was 11. It continued for a month and returned 6 months later then stopped after a month. I am a virgin and I have not gotten it ever since. What’s happening?
Updated 6 May 2019 under Ask Us.It is common to have irregular periods for the first two years after getting your period; however, it is not normal bleed for a month. Most girls have their period for 1-6 or […]
Read more »I am going on vacation in a month but I’m supposed to get my period at the same time. Is there any way to make my period come faster or delay it so I can enjoy my vacation?
Updated 22 April 2019 under Ask Us.Delaying your period is sometimes possible if you are taking a birth control pill that has the same amount of hormone in all of the pills during the first 3 […]
Read more »When I have my period, sometimes the pad will shift and stick to my bottom, and it’s painful. Is there anything I can do to help with the irritation afterwards?
Updated 19 March 2019 under Ask Us.It sounds like you are one of the many women who experience irritation of the vulva and/or buttocks from menstrual pads. Since pads are made up of many layers of […]
Read more »I’m late for my period, and I’m going on vacation in a week. I’m so scared that I’ll get it while I’m swimming or on the beach. Is there any way I can make my period come faster so that I won’t get it on vacation?
Updated 28 February 2019 under Ask Us.Thanks for your question! Even though we know that having a period is natural, just about every young woman worries about getting her period while on vacation. Unfortunately, the timing would […]
Read more »I’m 21 years old, and my cramps have always been very bad to the point that I throw up and miss school or practice. Is something wrong with me, because in the past my doctor would say it’s normal, but nobody else in my family gets it this bad either.
Updated 25 February 2019 under Ask Us.Menstrual periods can be light and easy for some young and adult women, but for others, they can be heavy and/or accompanied by painful cramps. It’s normal to have mild […]
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I found this brown smudge in my underwear and the internet said it was old blood that took longer to come out of my body. Is it really blood and will I get my period soon?
Updated 8 February 2019 under Ask Us.It’s true that a brown “smudge” or brown spotting is blood and it is brown instead of bright red because it is flowing slowly. Blood is bright red when it […]
Read more »Do girls stop growing in height after their first period?
Updated 21 December 2018 under Ask Us.A lot of girls want to know what will happen to their height as they go through puberty. The main way we know how tall you will be is to […]
Read more »I’m 13 and had my first period 6 months ago. It hasn’t shown up again. I haven’t had sex. What’s going on?
Updated 30 October 2018 under Ask Us.It is common for girls to have irregular periods in the year or two after their first period but most girls have at least 4 periods during their first year, at […]
Read more »Hi, I have a problem. I am getting my second period soon so I want to wear something to prepare. I really like using tampons but you can’t when you’re not on your period, and pads are very, very, very uncomfortable. I really need help.
Updated 2 October 2018 under Ask Us.You’re right, you shouldn’t use tampons when you are not bleeding; however, instead of using thick pads, you could opt for wearing a thin, small panty shield. As you have […]
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