Topic: Sexual Health
I use a bottle and pen to masturbate. Am I still a virgin?
Updated 12 May 2020 under Ask Us.Good question. There isn’t a medical definition of a “virgin” or virginity. The term is used differently by different people and may relate to cultural or religious beliefs or the meaning of “having […]
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I’ve been on the combined pill for years to control my period. If I am thinking about having sex, but I don’t want to get pregnant, how accurate would I have to be when taking the pill and for how long before having sex?
Updated 8 June 2020 under Ask Us.Great question, thank you! The combined pill contains two active hormones: estrogen and progestin (a hormone that is similar to progesterone). Just like with any birth control pill, whether you […]
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I was recently treated for a yeast infection that I think I had for about a month. Ever since I received treatment I have lost sexual interest, which was never a problem for me before. I don’t think I’m asexual, but I don’t know what is happening. How can I get the feeling of sexual attraction back?
Updated 21 July 2020 under Ask Us.Sorry that you are experiencing these feelings. We can’t think of any relationship to your recent treatment for a yeast infection unless you felt a lot of stress with the […]
Read more »Virginidad
Updated 11 June 2020 under Guías de la Salud.Ser virgen: ¿qué significa? La respuesta a esta pregunta puede variar dependiendo de la cultura, religión y experiencia personal de una persona, ya sea un hombre, una mujer o un […]
Read more »I am currently on implanted birth control (Nexplanon). I recently had oral sex with one of my partners. A few days later, I noticed thick brown discharge and went to my health care provider (HCP). My HCP put me on medications for a yeast infection. Then I had oral sex with another partner and I am noticing the same problem. Can I never have oral sex without getting an infection?
Updated 6 August 2020 under Ask Us.Thank you for your question. It’s a good idea to speak to your health care provider. Yeast infections are usually associated with itching and white thick discharge. Many women have irregular […]
Read more »Embarazo: Embarazo No Deseado – Acerca del Aborto
Updated 28 April 2020 under Guías de la Salud.Muchos jóvenes tienen preguntas sobre el embarazo y el aborto. Si acabas de descubrir que estás embarazada puedes sentirte abrumada, triste, feliz o insegura sobre las opciones y próximos pasos. […]
Read more »Currently, I have a condom stuck inside my vagina. Will my period be delayed until the condom comes out?
Updated 25 August 2020 under Ask Us.Thank you for your question. You have a couple of options. However, one thing is for sure don’t leave the condom in your vagina. Leaving the condom behind in your […]
Read more »Can I get pregnant from humping a blanket that might have had sperm on it?
Updated 10 September 2020 under Ask Us.Thank you for your question! It’s super important to mention that anytime a woman has unprotected sexual contact, which includes touching, rubbing, or penetration with a penis, she may run […]
Read more »My boyfriend and I have tried to have sex many times, but every time he tries to insert his penis it really hurts. Recently, I tried touching the opening of my vagina with a finger, again I had really bad pain. We did get his penis in all the way one time, but it was painful. Please help!
Updated 30 September 2020 under Ask Us.So glad you asked us this question! For some, conversations about sex are awkward or uncomfortable, but it shouldn’t be this way. Talking about sex is how you learn, especially […]
Read more »I really want to get pregnant. The only problem is, I haven’t had my first period yet and I am worried about getting a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Is it possible to get pregnant (even if I haven’t had my period yet), while protecting myself from STIs?
Updated 2 October 2020 under Ask Us.Thank you for your question. It is totally possible for a young woman to become pregnant without having her first period. This is because during ovulation a mature egg is […]
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