girl sleeping

Can lack of sleep affect your memory?

Updated 21 January 2014 under Ask Us.

Definitely. In fact, according to researchers, sleep is necessary to learn new things and remember the experiences you’ve had. Without sleep, the ability to retain or remember things can drop […]

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What causes my eye to twitch sometimes?

Updated 26 March 2014 under Ask Us.

Some people experience a twitching feeling in one or both eyes from time to time. It’s pretty common, yet scientists don’t know the exact reason why it happens. It may […]

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girl sleeping

What should I do if I feel too tired to exercise?

Updated 5 February 2014 under Ask Us.

Try to exercise even if you feel tired. Listening to music can help motivate you! When you exercise, you usually sleep better at night and will have more energy later. […]

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