Is it normal not to bleed the full week of your period when using birth control pills?

Yes.  When on the Pill, the lining of your uterus doesn’t become very thick so very little blood needs to come out each month.  It is perfectly normal to have […]

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Continuous Hormonal Treatment


Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCPs), the Patch, and Vaginal Ring Hormonal treatment including birth control pills, the patch, and the vaginal ring may be taken cyclically (with a week break) or […]

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Jealousy is often a misunderstood emotion. The feeling can creep up on you anywhere—for example when you are hanging out with your friends and you hear them talking about a […]

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female gender symbol

My vagina looks weird. The left side has extra skin and when you hold it it’s really longer than the right side. Please help.

The skin on either side of your vagina is called your labia. Sometimes one or both labia can be longer and/or wider.  Depending upon the size of the labia, this […]

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I have never had sex but I have multiple bubble like bumps on my inner labia. What do you think it is?

There can be a few different reasons why you might have “bubbles” or bumps on your inner labia. The multiple tiny bumps may be a condition called papillomatosis which is […]

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contraceptive sponge

Esponja Contraceptiva


A esponja contraceptiva é uma esponja de espuma pequena, em formato de donut, que contém um espermicida chamado Nonoxynol-9. A esponja contraceptiva é um método de barreira vaginal que previne […]

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