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female doctors

HPV Vaccine

Updated 19 February 2020 under For Clinicians.

In December 2014, Gardasil 9® was approved by the FDA. This vaccine helps prevent cervical, vaginal, vulvar and anal cancers and genital warts caused by five additional HPV types – 31, […]

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female doctors

Pertussis Vaccine

Updated 23 December 2023 under For Clinicians.

Tdap is a vaccine that helps protect teens from acquiring Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis. Pertussis, otherwise known as “whooping cough,” is caused by bacteria called Bordetella pertussis and spreads easily […]

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User Survey

Thank you for wanting to help us make our site better! Our most recent user survey has now closed, and we look forward to incorporating the wealth of feedback we […]

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nurse on computer

Evaluating Health Information

Updated 26 June 2018 under For Clinicians.

The internet is a major source of information about health, but just because the information is published online doesn’t mean that it’s reliable. Sometimes a website that looks trustworthy is based on […]

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