Tag: doctor visits
Taking Charge of Your Healthcare
Updated 23 December 2023 under Health Guides.So, you are growing up and gaining the new responsibilities that come with getting older! Now, if you are feeling a bit overwhelmed, take a deep breath, that can be […]
Read more »I’m under 18. Does my mom have to stay with me during a doctor’s exam? I want to ask my doctor about sex, but don’t know if I can ask my mom to leave. Also, if I ask her to leave, she’s gonna be super weird wondering why.
Updated 31 August 2021 under Ask Us.Thanks for your question. In the United States it’s recommended that all teens have confidential, one-on-one time with their health care provider. During this time, you can talk about things […]
Read more »I’m 16 years old and when I go to the doctor, my mom insists on staying in the room. I have an upcoming doctor’s appointment and I want to ask some more personal questions. Do I have the right to talk to the doctor without my mom in the room?
Updated 24 April 2020 under Ask Us.This is a great question! Kudos for wanting to begin understanding what it’s like to take charge of your own health, that’s great! It’s important for you to learn how […]
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Choosing a Primary Health Care Provider (PCP): General Information
Updated 10 December 2021 under Health Guides.Looking for information on how to find a primary health care provider (PCP) is a smart decision, because routine check-ups are a very important part of taking care of yourself. Why do […]
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